AllGren: Ha, biz 2016 yildan beri tadqiqot va ishlab chiqarish va LED tomonidan boshqariladigan LED tashish va ishlab chiqarish va sotish.
AllGreen: Ha, Sifatni sinab ko'rish va tekshirish uchun namunaviy narsalar kutib olinadi. Mixlangan namunalar qabul qilinadi.
AllGreen: namunaviy buyurtma uchun 5-7 kun, buyurtma miqdori bo'yicha ommaviy ishlab chiqarish buyurtma bazasi uchun 15-25 kun.
AllGreen: SEA, AIR yoki Express (DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, ETC) orqali ixtiyoriy.
We offer 5 years warranty for this product, if there is any defective during the warranty, please provide the picture or video for the working situation of the defective lights, we will ship the new lights to you within a few days or send it together with keyingi buyurtmangiz.